
Legal Notice


Meeting Kitchen LLC
Joana Racine
Falkenstrasse 80
4016 Therwil/Basel
[email protected]


Trade register of the canton of Basel

Enterprise Identification Number

UID: CHE-397.989.682

Value-added tax

ID-Number: CHE-397.989.682 VAT

Liability disclaimer

Links to third party pages are provided for convenience only. We do not express any opinion on the content of any third-party pages and expressly disclaim any liability for all third-party information and the use of it.

We hereby expressly prohibit third parties from using the contact data published as part of our obligation to include company details on the website for the purpose of sending promotional and informational materials that have not been expressly requested. The site operators reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited promotional materials being sent (for example, in the form of spam).